
Class blog for Orientation to Art and Design, Sections A and D.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Chuck Close Self Portrait - Sean Guidera


The piece that I have seen and will discuss is Chuck Close's Self Portrait. I have seen this piece at the Walker Art Center and it really stood out to me, (I thought it was a photograph at first, but then realized i was wrong! It is actually an acrylic painting). Its cool because this piece is in so much more detail than the majority of the portraits he does, and once you know that it is actually a very intricately detailed painting and not a photograph, and then see that the piece is actually very large, you just kind if have to stare in awe at the amount of work you know had to go into it. I love how the glasses stand out at the being the darkest object in this piece, almost as if to do some advertising for them, but nothing else is quite as dark or light in the rest of the painting, it is mostly some shade of grey which I think is interesting. The purpose behind this work, I think is to try to catch something in the moment. To try to show himself as he was, and with nothing else disrupting that.

Chuck Close, Self Portrait. 1968. Acrylic on canvas.
Walker Art Museum.
Image from Genereviewer.com


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I chose this piece to write about as well! I really like how you described the piece as you frist saw it. It does give you the sensation of a photograph!

  3. cool art...i think it would be awesome to see.

  4. It is awesome to see...and you'll probably see it today! It's big!

  5. It sounds like the contrast of this painting from Close's Black and White series really got you, Sean! I think you would enjoy looking at the range of Close's works. Each of his series exhibit a little different way of looking at the photographic image... I hope you do a little research and follow up on this.
