
Class blog for Orientation to Art and Design, Sections A and D.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Before the Sun- Karthik Pandain

Before the Sun is an installation by Karthik Pandian that can be seen currently at Midway Contemporary Art gallery in Minneapolis MN. Pandian is a Los Angeles native who has had many exhibits set up in numerous countries.

As you enter the gallery, there is almost an eerie feel that sets in. The room is pitch black and all you hear is the clicking of two projecters. On two corners of the room (opposite to each other) there is 16mm film being projected. In the middle of the room is a platform that was resurrected from dirt, on which the glass enclosed projectors stand. The film is being run across the ceiling through a grid of wires.

At the back end of the room is a little area (around a corner) that displays another exhibit. On a high-set table is a small desk lamp and a record player. If you so choose to listen to the record, you will hear ambient music that is rather intriguing.

Overall the exhibits were set up very well. However, to the naked eye, there isn't much meaning or depth to them. These rely greatly on knowing background information to really understand and appreciate them. If you take time to do some research beforehand, visiting the Midway Contemporary Art gallery will be a mindblowing experience.

1 comment:

  1. Nice description, Diedreand I like your photo, too. (which I don't think anyone at MCA would mind having posted.) I think that Aaron discussed the contents of the record with us, remember? You might want to give a little more info for the reader who hasn't yet experienced the installation....
