
Class blog for Orientation to Art and Design, Sections A and D.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Before the Sun

Karthik Pandian is a contemporary artist who lives and Los Angeles, he has several exhibitions set up nation wide, his piece Before the Sun finds it’s home at Midway Contemporary Art in Minneapolis, Minnesota. This particular exhibition mixes an archaeological dig for the old with a contemporary flair of architecture for the new. Walking in to Pandain’s exhibition is an experience in itself, after an adjustment to the lack of light the focus shifts to two small projections in opposite corners of the room.
The projection in the eastern corner of the room (about 2 by 3 feet) shows a repeating film of the sun rising at an archeological dig in St. Louise, Illinois. Occasionally people will pass by the camera through the clips of film. At the opposite end of the room, in the western corner, the projection shows clips with people walking in front of the setting sun at the same site. This series of clips ends with a firework and a loud crack. This may be a symbol of the end.
The center of the room is filled by a two level platform facing the cardinal directions. The platform is made of sand and clay, and sprinkled with seashells. Two 16mm film projectors are set up facing out to the east and west corners. The projects sit on sand in clean-cut, contemporary shaped, glass columns.
The structure built in the center or the room, along with the contemporary glass cases, combined with projections of the dig and archaeological grid lines show Pandian’s love of bringing old elements to modern life. His interest in archaeology shines through his film loops and suggests the relation from the past into current architecture. 

1 comment:

  1. Great description of the work, Angela and some good information about the piece and artist as well.
    Curious about your experience of the work...
