
Class blog for Orientation to Art and Design, Sections A and D.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010


Modern Art by Craig Damrauer  photo courtesy Jen Bekman 20 x 200
This week's blog image from Craig Damrauer's New Math series titled Modern Art came to us from Jen Bekman's  20 x 200 blog, a wonderful clearinghouse for new photography and art.   It sums up a couple of conversations begun last week during our tours of the Walker collection (special thanks to tour guides Nancy B. and Misame K...!) These discussions about 'difficult' and challenging work will be continued in class tomorrow afternoon.  A few brave souls have gotten their feet wet on this blog assignment, discussing artworks at the WAC that they found to be challenging disturbing, or just plain difficult to decode.  To the rest of you, my advice is to do a little thinking, a little research, and dive right in!
We will be discussing the tour in class tomorrow, and taking a look at some controversial artworks and issues in contemporary art.  So put your thinking caps on, keep an open mind,and come prepared to debate the issues!

p.s. Seems like no one can figure out the last art junk question. Too bad...
This week's question:  What was Yves Klein's self-proclaimed first artwork? Cmon, a little research never hurt anyone...