
Class blog for Orientation to Art and Design, Sections A and D.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Procrastination is Key.

Visiting the studio if Anne Cramer was an interesting experience for me. I am not planning on becoming a fashion major, but I still found it to be a pretty insightful experience. One thing that she told us was that you can budget your time as much as you want, and try to plan everything out and do all your work by some sort of schedule, or you can wait until creativity strikes. She said herself that she often can have months to prepare her designs, however, if an idea doesn't come to her, she wont work. She even said that she was trying to figure out what she was going to wear to one of her shows, and literally the night before, she whipped up a dress to wear. It was just pretty interesting to hear a professional saying those words, that procrastinating can be a good thing, especially when all you hear throughout school from your parents and teachers is that it is an extremely bad habit to get into.

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