
Class blog for Orientation to Art and Design, Sections A and D.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Fonts we see everyday- Myraid Pro Semibold, Lucida Grande, Ebrima

Myraid Pro Semibold-

Apple Marketing has been using a variation of Myraid Pro for all of their products and there most powerful one is the Semibold they used to marked the iPod. We see iPods everyday but overlook the font behind the words. this font is vary modern and clean the curves are round and have no variation creating a strong Image with just four letters. Subconsciously Apple told people that they are cutting edge, modern and clean. Whether they are or not doesn't matter because when we see their logo it tells us that. 

Lucida Grande-

We all use Facebook, or have at least seen Facebook at some point in our lives and I do not believe any of us have stopped and wondered why they choose the font style they did. Lucida Grande, the font they choose, is a very open and large font.  the O's are rounded and the letters are inviting, and as we know facebook is a social networking site, where you open up about yourself and what you're doing and invite people to events!


For PC users that have windows 7 we see Ebrima every time we start up our computer but what does this font say about Windows? The letters stay uniform in size and seem clean cut, almost classy, at the same time its pretty non-discript and that no one would really complain about the usage of font. Microsoft as a company has made PC's and other devices cheap enough that the average household can afford to use one, and I think this Business ideal really shows in their font chose of Ebrima.  

Fonts Courtesy of Apple, facebook.com and Windows 7 os 

1 comment:

  1. Great choices, Fillup and very interesting points without seeming to make them. Just like the fonts.
