
Class blog for Orientation to Art and Design, Sections A and D.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Personality issues

Dan Woychik's office has some fairly interesting things in it and I encourage people who would be standing near the front of the room that it gets quite warm and so moving would be well advised. However this is beside the point. Woychik's design process showed me some interesting things that I have wondered about. For instance, Woychik's process allowed for a lot of research and a sort of subliminal symbolism in his work. His work had a purpose and so did everything in his work. I know that this a crucial part of design. Design is a part of art but I feel as though design adds more. Good design has both good purpose and good aesthetic and the two flow together very closely. Dan also did a lot of playing around. That's not a bad thing. In fact, only the good artists are the ones who play around. Do you want to know why? Because playing around is another word for experimenting. It's just not as much fun. However it is really good to help ideas to keep flowing and keep working and making new things. The biggest problem for an artist is to get stuck on the same thing so always trying new stuff allows for a quick fix to the design block. Only thing that would make the process better is if there were cookies. I'm just saying.

Ann Kramer. Not much more to say. Actually thats a lie. There's a ton to say about Ann Kramer and I'm not talking about gossip, although word on the street is she knows a thing or two about candy. The most impressive thing about Kramer's studio is that she has made it her style. Kramer made a good statement when she spoke that she doesn't do the same thing over and over again, but she has a style that she likes and sticks too. This is called branding and it's a genius concept. Ann has made a name and a brand that she sticks too and it's her. It's her essence. All of her clothing, her studio, her website, even her personality fit so well together that it makes her work really interesting and effective. It reminds me of Andy Warhol or Orlan where the person is truly the work of art. It's this very thing that trips me up. I don't know how to acquire one of these. Where do I get a good style or a good personality? Do I have a personality? If I don't know that answer to that question then do I have issues? Most likely. Developing a brand is one of the things that I have seen that can make an artist really successful. How do I develop one?


1 comment:

  1. "Where do I get a good style or a good personality? Do I have a personality?"

    ...Are you human? Yes of course you have a personality. Your style should reflect your personality...
    The only way you can get one is by being you. Of course.
