
Class blog for Orientation to Art and Design, Sections A and D.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

The MIA - Art Installation by Meg and Sean

Frank by Chuck Close

Cocktails on carpet by Martin Parr

Sunburst by Dale Chihuly

Our installation plan:
I would imagine the piece "Cocktails on Carpet" covering the entire floor of a fairly small room, under a piece of glass of course, and illuminated from beneath so it would be really smooth and give off light and color and catch the reflections of the giant "Sunburst" piece hanging over it at a smaller scale than it actually exists at, approximately three feet in circumference. While the piece "Frank" will be tiled at a much smaller scale (about 1' high) as wallpaper and ceiling paper, covering the rest of the room. Some of the tiles will be LED lights. The combination is really delightfully awkward, I think. I really like that one is a painting, one is a photograph and the other is a sculpture, it adds to the slight irony that the combination creates. I think it would be really excellent to have some sort of soundtrack of the sounds it makes when someone moves boxes into a metal warehouse, complete with the beeps of the the backing up forklifts and the shouting and the smacking of heavy objects onto concrete or metal shelving.

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