
Class blog for Orientation to Art and Design, Sections A and D.

Friday, November 5, 2010

middle of the night and time for the art junk alert

Ok, ok, so I never really DID post that art-junk quiz these last 2 weeks like I said I did.  What can I say?  Just having too much fun with fonts and fashion!
Any-hooooo, here goes...
The first one to identify the font used in the 2010 OAD Section A and D syllabus will win this week's prize.
Oh oh...can anyone even find one of those things?  Better check the attic.
Good night and good luck.


  1. Good guess!
    One would think so, given my in-class commentary, but sadly, no.
    Better guess again quick before Fillup and Kaycee get back..
