
Class blog for Orientation to Art and Design, Sections A and D.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

[ . To like or not to like... . ]

...that is the question.

I've been to the Walker Art Center several times in the last few years and I've seen exhibits come and go as they please. It's pretty much the same for most museums, if not all. I have a hard time enjoying modern art and photography, however. Especially contemporary modern art. I've loved traditional renaissance work my entire life and that's more where I'm drawn to. So it's no no surprise that there's few things I like in the Walker Art Center. There's several things I hate, in fact, or I just find them so monotonous I pass by without casting a second glance. The latter was my initial reaction to Alec Soth's Misty, at first. I was looking through his entire exhibit and very few pictures actually caught my attention. Each time I passed that particular image, however, I was more drawn to it. It's so simple in presentation and composition, yet the more I looked at it, the more I just simply liked it. It's a beautiful piece, and the female subject's expression only adds to it. It presents a sort of grey feeling, over all, and the feeling is beautifully captured in her face. I really do like this image now. It defines beauty in a different way, which intrigues me. Simple statements can hold as much power as the complex.

1 comment:

  1. Meahgan, I would be curious to see you compare this portrait to one from Renaissance portraiture... Do you think there are shared elements that draw you into this work?
